Capsi - Dashboard Admin Template
og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo
Capsi is a fully featured premium admin template built on top of awesome Bootstrap 3.3.6, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.Web Application Admin Dashboard built on top of Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework. It was created to be the most functional, clean and well-designed template for any type of back-end application. We have carefully designed all common elements.
Main features:
- Fully Responsive & Interactive
- Elegant & Clean User Interface
- Expanded and Collapsed Menu (Multi Menu Levels)
- Responsive Tables
- Form Wizard
- IOS type Switches
- File Dropzone (Drag and Drop Upload)
- Invoice
- Messenger Notifications
- Image Cropper
Other Features :
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.7
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully Responsive
- Well Documented
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Static/Fixed Sidebar, Fluid/Boxed Layout and Collapsed Sidebar Layout Options
- Flotchart, NVD3and Chartjs Charts
- DataTables
- Form Wizard
- Dropzone File Upload
- X-editable
- Select2
- Image Crop
- Toastr Notifications
- Tree view
- Nestable lists
- Pricing Tables
- Inbox, Profile, Login, Register, Lock Screen, Invoice, Timeline, Todo, Gallery and Error Pages
- Google & Vector Maps
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